"The key to immortality is first to live a life worth remembering." - Bruce Lee 李小龙 (1940 - 1973)

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Egg vs. Stone 以卵击石

A little late with jumping on this, but you see, I hardly read the papers anymore and I usually don't care much for politics and politicians. But I do do some sort of reading, like dropping by some brown glob every now and then to see wazappenee...

To me, to be a successful politician, besides being talented, bold, and brilliant, you've got to have a mean streak, ruthless, and to be willing and able to achieve your goals by any possible means.

The chinese call it 不择手段 or, loosely and literally - not being selective of the methods.

So it's rather amusing when this young history honours student Jamie Han took a jab at the all-conquering MM Lee about his iron hand and his iron gauntlet. Summore daring enough to sneak in the word despot into it.

Waaaahhhh.... Very brave, but also quite naive, la....

He may be semi-retired or whatever but he's never gonna let some young punk take a swipe at him without reply. Actually, it seems to end up more like a little spanking.

Come on, lah.... the guy got how many years experience....? Up against MM and his superhigh forehead...how to win?

It's like tiny little David squaring up to Goliath, only this time David has only got the sling, but no rocks, stones, or even marbles to hurl at Goliath!

more about it here

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