"The key to immortality is first to live a life worth remembering." - Bruce Lee 李小龙 (1940 - 1973)

Friday, September 03, 2004

Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle

Just watched Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle at Bugis, oh man, I think I laughed so hard I hurt my pancreas! Reminds me of Night at the Roxbury, difference is that H&K is way way funnier.

I wasn't interested in this movie at all in the first place as I was planning to watch the Korean spook show Face. But due to the late show time, I had to follow my master's choice. And I'm glad I did.

Boob counts and crude jokes aside, its really a non-stop fun ride with these 2 jokers. Something like After Hours, where so many weird and stupid things happen in one night. The non-stop jabs at racism and drug abuse are so hilarious. Of course, they are not to be taken seriously.

It's just a self deprecating crude comedy poking at everything it can think of, sort of a joy-ride through a tunnel where you can see all these idiots doing stupid things.

I don't know why, but being Indian (India-Indian) seems to be the "in thing" now cos like in The Terminal, there are quite a few situations here where the joke is on the Indians again, and its intensely side-splitting!

A good way to waste a few bucks and your hour-and-a-half. 4/5.

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