Just to be sure, I googled up her name and, indeed, the song was sung by her, and there's many more! I was already pretty impressed by her performance in The Fifth Element, one of the many movies she acted in. I know she is this beautiful Revlon model. And now, she is a singer/songwriter, too.
She just became the most talented model in my little red book.
Oh, and I just found out from Miyagi's blog that, besides Hossan Leong, he seems to be old buds with Steph Song too... what the.... this chow-corprer... maybe I should ask him if he knows my DJ/songwriter/singer cousin who goes by the monicker Jiujian, or Q-Ken (believe me, his real name sounds alot nicer), kinda lost touch with him for years now. Oh, but I did asked if he's friend with Amy Cheng, my biggest fan
Nah, old buds with Hossan only. Not so old bud with Steph Song. And Amy Cheng, used to know from work. Your Cuz, dunno leh. Wish I was old buds with Milla Jovovovovovich.
ah... u r making me really curious about what u do!
Milla is terrific. She played her role perfectly in the Fifth Element (I still remember her saying in that odd, lilting way, "Multipass").
She's the only reason why I like the RE movies. :)
- Saki
Yeah, she is, after all, the Perfect Being!
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